
April Fooled!

April Fools!!
Ok, so Yes! I like to bother people. I pulled this prank on my brother and boyfriend separetely. Their reactions were nothing but priceless. I placed these fake little poos on my brother's pillow, to frame our little dogs for a bad deed. I also left them on my boyfriend's sandals in the hopes that he would step on these special easter eggs lol. I guess an "lol" is a bit lacking... lets go with bwuahahaha!
Step 1: Get yourself a toilet paper roll
Step 2: Soak it in water til its brown. (I exaggerated in the photo, I takes wayyyy less water than that)

Step 3: Unroll your roll and shred it into small peices the length of half your thumb.

Step 4: Place a bunch of the shreds in your palms and roll them up between your hands, as if you were rubbing your hands to warm them up.

Then BAMM!! you got yourself fake poos lol

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